This post is provided by our partner, Galileo Medical. Get quality, affordable health benefits with a Freelancers Union member-exclusive discount at: https://freelancersunion.org/galileo/
It’s almost October. The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are getting colder, and a seasonally-relevant, excessively overused Game of Thrones reference comes to mind (but we won’t go there).
Here are three common fall & winter woes that can throw a wrench into your Q4 work, what you can do to prevent them, and what to do if you experience them.
Flu Season
With its hard-hitting symptoms—cough, fever, fatigue, and body aches—flu often leaves you feeling like you’ve been hit by a train. Flu sent an estimated 12-26 million Americans to the doctor last year, according to the CDC.
Flu season runs from October to March, with its peak between December and February. Why? In colder weather, many viruses replicate better and our body’s immune response is weaker; also, transmissibility increases as more people spend time indoors.
- Get your flu shot by the end of October
- Avoid contact with sick individuals
- Frequent handwashing
- Regular cleaning and disinfecting of high touch surfaces at home
- Antiviral drugs: When utilized early, antiviral drugs can reduce your symptoms and shorten the time you are sick.
- Home care: Rest, hydration, and use of NSAIDs like ibuprofen or naproxen will help. Stay home to protect others.
If you’re not feeling well enough to visit the doctor, you can always message a provider on the Galileo app for care. Check out Galileo Medical’s flu resources for more information.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a type of depression that often occurs in late fall or early winter. Geographically, it is more prevalent the further north you live. Our current understanding of SAD links changes in sunlight (shorter days), serotonin (a neurotransmitter that regulates mood), and melatonin (a hormone that maintains the sleep-wake cycle).
Symptoms may include:
- Changes in mood and appetite
- Decrease in energy
- Oversleeping
- Loss of interest in activities you usually enjoy.
If you suspect you may be experiencing SAD, you can reach out to a Galileo provider on the app. They can help you evaluate your treatment options and create a care plan.
Holiday Stress
While the holidays are associated with family, friends, and lively gatherings, many people experience stress, sadness, loneliness, and isolation. Relationships with loved ones are complex; reflecting on the past year can be difficult; juggling the demands of parties, work, personal finances, and self-care can be a lot to manage.
3 stress management tips to try:
- Plan holidays you can manage.
Embrace some element of imperfection. Set realistic expectations about what you’ll do on certain days, delegate responsibilities to other family members and friends (think potluck, rather than one person cooking a feast), and ask for help. - Spend time with people who “refill” your emotional and mental reservoir.
We can’t choose our family, but we can choose to connect with people who make us feel accepted, supported, and loved—even if that’s a trip to get coffee, a one-on-one walk, or a quick text message. - Make time for yourself.
Giving yourself space to be alone and do your own thing can do wonders. Journal, exercise, or meditate: these activities can make you feel grounded, improve your mood, and give you an opportunity to reflect.
Galileo Medical provides 24/7, same-day care for most health conditions on an easy-to-use app. Freelancers Union members can join Galileo Medical for a special rate of just $19 / month, or $24 / month for Galileo Medical plus Rx, Dental, & Vision through New Benefits. Learn more at https://freelancersunion.org/galileo/
from Freelancers Union Blog https://blog.freelancersunion.org/2023/09/26/3-ways-to-beat-the-winter-wellness-woes/
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