Monday, November 30, 2020

The most in-demand freelance jobs to pursue in 2021

Over the past few years, 70% of small and medium businesses have embraced freelancers, thanks to the flexibility that comes with having a virtual team.

There are no signs that this trend will slow down, especially after the pandemic has pushed most location-based businesses to work virtually.

Buyers have also increased their reliance on digital channels, meaning that businesses had to adapt their marketing strategies to survive.

As a result, these businesses need freelancers working in specific roles to keep them going, creating a demand for more freelancers.

In this post, we’ll look at six in-demand jobs you need to look out for in 2021 and beyond.

1. Web Designers

Buyers rely on the websites they visit to find the information they need to inform their buying decisions.

Today, 50% of mobile users prefer to use their mobile devices to browse or buy on the web, as opposed to downloading apps that businesses provide.

To improve the user experience for those customers, businesses will need to simplify the design and layout of their websites. Doing so will result in increased conversions from the traffic they get from mobile visits.

Take this mobile version example from EarlyBird:

Even on mobile, their homepage has tons of white space, impactful illustrations, and a prominent header.

These elements capture and hold a visitor’s attention once they land on the site, increasing their likelihood of signing up.

In addition, having a modern and clean look for their website makes them look official and trustworthy.

2. SEO Specialists

As more businesses are publishing content to build an audience, buyers are becoming picky about the content they want to read.

Buyers are not only interested in content that answers their questions, but in content that engages them.

Businesses seem to be catching up with this, given that 31% of content creators are spending more than 6 hours per blog post.

However, getting organic traffic doesn't rely on great content alone, so there’s a need to build links to help the content rank better on Google.

Given that 65% of digital marketers find link building to be more challenging than other marketing activities, the need for SEO specialists dedicated to link building has increased.

In fact, as of 2018, 75% of SEO jobs require you to have content skills to make sure you build the links a piece of content requires to rank, making it easier for buyers to find it on search engines.

Job Demand for SEOs & Content Marketers Soars in 2018

(Image source)

3. Sales Representatives

To facilitate virtual work, more businesses are investing in collaboration tools. However, B2B sales processes take time, involving several decision makers.

Software vendors can no longer rely on potential customers to make purchase decisions on their own, so they need sales reps with relevant sales skills.

In addition to sending automated follow-up messages to nurture potential customers, sales reps also need to know how to implement a sales strategy to convert prospects into paying customers.

Besides, software vendors also need sales reps who know how to increase customer lifetime value through upselling customers with relevant product upgrades that make their work easier.

4. Financial Advisors

The uncertainty presented by the pandemic means that more people will consider evaluating their finances.

At least 56% of Americans haven't saved enough money for retirement, leaving them at risk of financial turmoil once they leave their jobs.

To avoid that, those considering getting their finances in order will need financial advisors to help them manage their money better, get out of debt, and save for retirement.

5. Graphic designers

In addition to making content more appealing, images make it easier for blog visitors to understand the message behind the content, which determines whether they take action or not.

To create visual content that boosts conversions, graphic designers need to create visual content that aligns with the brands they’re working with.

Graphic design trends are also evolving, and graphic designers will need to learn about what's working to help them create better visual content.

Geometric visuals are a huge trend due to the contrast they provide, and they need to be consistent both on a client’s website and on their social media channels.

6. Content Creators

Video content has become popular especially on social media channels, with Cisco predicting that video will make up almost 82% of all online content by 2023.

Quite a bold prediction and it means that more video marketers will be creating engaging videos for the brands they work with.

For example, 72% of consumers prefer watching a video to learn about a company as compared to reading their story.

To meet this demand, 85% of businesses have set aside a budget to hire staff and provide tools to create video content.

Bonus: How to land these jobs

Knowing about in-demand jobs is important, but that's not all. While cold pitching, job boards or even applying on career pages might help, 80% of LinkedIn users are responsible for key business decisions. This makes LinkedIn a more effective approach when looking to work with businesses that are looking for the skills you have.

To avoid getting stuck, consider using different approaches when reaching out to decision makers in a business you want to work with.

Instead of asking them to hire you, ask about any openings they might have in the near future and what they would require from applicants. Make sure they know you’re open to working with them.

Alternatively, if they have advertised for any roles, reach out to them to ask about your eligibility, e.g., working remotely as opposed to working in their offices.


Freelance work has changed forever. Some businesses have discovered the potential of working a virtual team, while others have learned how to get things done with freelancers.

For freelancers, that's great news. More opportunities are coming up, and the skills we’ve just covered above are what businesses are looking for to thrive in the coming year.

To set up yourself for success, select an in-demand skill, identify what sets you apart, and start reaching out to businesses on LinkedIn.

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from Freelancers Union Blog


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