Monday, November 2, 2020

1-Minute Deadlift Tip: The Power of the Slow Start

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Slow Start Deadlift

Whenever someone rounds their back on a deadlift two things happen:

  1. A baby seal dies.
  2. I have to fight off the urge to throw my face into a fire.

Caveats exist, however.

Everyone at some point will round their back.

Elite lifters will do it – sometimes on purpose – to lock out a max effort lift.

Newbie and intermediate lifters will do it – almost always not on purpose – to lock out any lift…🤪

The difference is that elite lifters are strong (and knowledgable) enough to know how to self-correct when teetering with a precarious position (end-range spinal flexion), and mostly everyone else is not an elite lifter.

As I’ve noted repeatedly, if your goal is to become a deadlifting Terminator then the bulk of your accessory work should address either a weakness or technique flaw.

The SLOW START deadlift is a superb choice for those lifters who have trouble with their hips coming up too early and/or have a difficult time with maintaining upper back tension. I’ve been using this with a my clients and it’s been magical to see the progress they’ve made with their technique.

Performing 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps using 50-70% of 1-rep max should do the trick.

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from Blog – Tony Gentilcore

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